How Domestic Abuse Creeps In

Domestic Abuse is generally not sudden, it’s a creeper; it starts with little bits of nitpicking, and then a misappropriate amount of work and responsibility eased onto one party, (for the record, that party is mostly female, however not exclusively).

This often morphs into financial control and guilt. Then verbal abuse…. At that point without breaking the pattern, it often escalates physically. It might only start with something thrown, however it’s only going to go in one direction.

Before we focus on blame, let’s focus on cause

  1. The abuser may have been witness to their parents behaving in this way
  2. Insecurities and/or ego
  3. Outside pressures, work and/or financial triggers

Like most situations in life, it’s generally triggered by environment and inputs

Need Help?

There are local and national resources available to assist you. Contact Us, or reach out to one of the below organizations for assistance. Don’t wait.

CCS is committed to helping survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault lead safer and healthier lives.

The National Sexual Assault Hotline is a safe, confidential service.

Call 800.656.HOPE (4673) to be connected with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area.

How does it work?

When you call 800.656.HOPE (4673), you’ll be routed to a local RAINN affiliate organization based on the first six digits of your phone number. Cell phone callers have the option to enter the ZIP code of their current location to more accurately locate the nearest sexual assault service provider.

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